Pet sitter. Dogs or cats
· 15 years experiencePet Sitter or Pet nanny, I offer Boarding dogs, Boarding cats, Visit cats, in Dezmir
Salutare!!! Ma numesc Maria si sunt o persoana iubitoare de animale. In ultimii 15 ani am avut caini si pisici de differite rase, varste si dimensiuni. Sunt obisnuita cu toate aspectele ingrijirii lor: hrana, educatie, ingrijire corporala, joaca, plimbare... Ofer un mediu sigur si comfortabil, oferindu-le atentie si ingrijirea necesara pe toata durata zilei. Pot separa cateii si pisicile la cerere. Momentan detin un catel cu care locuiesc la casa in Dezmir, Cluj. Toate animalele pe care le-am avut au fost salvate din adaposturi de animale sau,... pur si simplu, de pe marginea drumului. Sunt dedicata sa ofer servicii de calitate si sa ma asigur ca animalele dumneavoastra sunt fericite si sanatoase in timp ce sunteti plecati. Lasati-mi un mesaj sau sunati-ma si voi fi bucuroasa sa va ajut. Hi, I'm Maria and I love pets. Within the last 15years I owned cats and dogs of different breed and age. I'm used with everything that has to do with caring for pets: food, training, grooming, monthly oral medications, playing, walking... I offer a safe and comfortable environment to meet their needs through the entire day. I can separate cats from dogs if requested. At the moment I live in a house in Dezmir, Cluj with a little puppy (8 months old). All my animals where adopted from animal shelters or saved from the side of the road. I'm dedicated to keep your furry friend happy while you are away. Leave me a message, call me and I'll be glad to review with you your pet needs. Thank you, Maria
O catelusa de 8luni
Pets I can visit:
Cats Dogs Birds Turtles Fish
Pets I can board:
Cats Dogs Birds Turtles Fish
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Dezmir ,cat visits ,dog visits ,cat boarding ,dog boarding