Very dedicated & loving for pets

pet sitteri verificati personal


· 20 ani experiență

Pet Sitter sau Bonă pentru animale, ofer Cazare câini, Cazare pisici, Plimbare câini, Vizite pisici, in București

My whole life I had pets (and I am 26), and recently I lost my very much loved dog due to age and sickness after 15 years of being together and inseparable. Going through this experience is something I cannot describe but it has made me realize many things and that I can also help other pet parents and pets with their needs in their journey. I have another loving pet which is a cat, she is 14 years old and they were living together with me in my apartment. She is very welcomig and loving and we would love to host other pets into our home or I am available to go stay with your pets.

Universitatea din București, Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta, București

One cat

Animale pe care le pot vizita:

Pisici Câini Pasari Rozatoare Testoase Pesti

Animale pe care le pot caza:

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