
Cazare câini in București

Matthew | 3 oferte Pet Sitter Ales

Hi, I have 2 female ogari engleza puppies that are 5 months old. They are vaccinated and get along well with other dogs (and probably cats). I switched them to a raw diet of primarily chicken a couple of months ago since they were having digestive issues on dry dog food, and they are doing great this way, all the digestive issues are resolved since they switched. They eat 3/4 of a raw chicken per day each (1 and 1/2 total per day for both). I'd prefer to keep them on this diet during this week if possible. I'm happy to pay extra since this is the week of Christmas, and also happy to pay extra for the extra work the raw food requires. I don't have a car, so hopefully there's a good way to transfer them from me to you. They are sweet-natured, sleep a lot, and are naturally curious. They've been house-trained to only go to the toilet outside for 2 months now. They're mostly obedient and will leave things alone if you tell them "no" a few times. We live 2 minutes walk from the Aviatorilor Metro station.

22 dec. - 29 dec.
: Cazare 2 câini

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