București Pet Care

pet sitteri verificati personal


· 20 years experience

Kisállatszitter vagy Állat szitter, ajánlok Kutyasétáltatás, Látogatások cicák, -ban București

I have loved all types of animals from a young age and enjoy spending time and caring for them. I currently have a 2 year old cat named Prince, he was rescued from the street a few months ago and is now very happy in my flat. I also grew up with a Britanny spaniel named Pablo, I always enjoyed taking him out for long walks. I love animals a lot but I am also a very responsible and caring person, I am efficient in identifying the animals basic needs and cleaning when necessary. I love spending time with animals and helping. I have cared multiple times for my friends Schnauzer, a Bichon frisé, my sisters 2 Bull terriers and my friends cat.

Șoseaua Vitan-Bârzești, București, România

Állatok, amelyeket meg tudok látogatni:

Cicák Kutyák Madarak Rágcsálók Teknősbékák Halak

Állatok, amelyeket el tudok szállásolni:

Every day - 7:00-21:00 with flexibility

Értékelések (1)


Foarte de incredere, m-am simțit pentru prima oara liniștită când am plecat de acasă! Recomand cu căldură ❤️

15. 08. 2024 · Kisállat-szitting


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